Haikus of Light: Photography by Matthew Box

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Program Type:

Arts & Creativity, Exhibit

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Program Description

Event Details

On Display in the Glass Display Cases from January 3rd thru January 30th.

Matthew Box has lived in Athens since 1994. He has played bass in numerous local bands for the past 30+ years, and continues to do so to this day. He currently works as part of the administrative team at The Athena Cinema.

A couple of years ago, a total stranger who had seen a photo of Matthew's posted on social media invited him to participate in a 365-day photo challenge on Twitter:  Participants were given a Latin word to translate and then tasked with posting a picture that related to the daily word. It was through this challenge that Matthew began taking pictures on a daily basis and ultimately discovered the sheer enjoyment of photography, in addition to a strong sense of community among amateur/hobby photographers.

Matthew's approach to photography is centered on noticing and capturing little moments of beauty in the every-day things that he passes during his daily walks around Athens. Most of his shots are of things that have changed significantly or disappeared entirely since the photo was taken. It's this ephemeral quality of beauty that really motivates Matthew to continue on his journey as an amateur photographer.

He likes to think of himself as “a penniless patron of the arts”.



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