Star Hopping: A beginners guide to the night sky

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Program Type:

Class / Workshop

Age Group:


Program Description

Event Details

Star hopping is using one group of stars to find another group of stars like hopping from one rock to another in a stream. 

The constellations are arranged in the night’s sky by legends and myths from ancient times. We will look at some of the stories to help navigate the night sky.  In this workshop we will also learn how to find your astrological sign in the sky and talk about how the sky was used by people in ancient Ohio. 

This program will be facilitated by local naturalist and historian Lawrence R Greene. He is a regular presenter at the Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Peace Gatherings in Adams county Ohio. He is also an Artsbridge catalog artist delivering cultural programs in the Mid Ohio Valley. Lawrence is founder and lead drummer with Ugata; drum and dance and has a fiscal partnership with Rising Appalachia.



If accommodations are needed for you or your family to participate in this event, please let our staff know