Arts in October: A Poetry Reading by Jennifer Schomburg Kanke

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Featuring the poet's new book, The Swellest Wife Anyone Ever Had.

From the author's website:  Jennifer Schomburg Kanke's full-length poetry collection, The Swellest Wife Anyone Ever Had, is about Appalachian Ohio, and will be available from White Violet Press in Fall 2024. 

Jennifer Schomburg Kanke, after spending most of her life in Ohio, now lives in Florida where she is at work on a reimagining of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s Evangeline set in the Florida Panhandle during the 1980s. Her work typically focuses on issues of class and gender in Appalachia and has recently appeared in New Ohio Review, Massachusetts Review, and Shenandoah. She is the winner of a Sheila-Na-Gig Editor’s Choice Award for Fiction. Her zine about her experiences undergoing chemotherapy for ovarian cancer, Fine, Considering, is available from Rinky Dink Press (2019). Her full-length poetry collection, The Swellest Wife Anyone Ever Had, about Appalachian Ohio, will be available from White Violet Press in Fall 2024. She can be found on YouTube hosting the Meter Cute Interviews podcast on Meter&Mayhem.

Of local interest, Jennifer Schomburg Kanke lived in Athens County from 1993-1999 and again from 2001-2010 and has a BSEd, MEd, and MA from Ohio University.

Please consult these links to learn more:




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