My World in Watercolors by Margaret (Maggie) Yute

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Program Type:

Arts & Creativity

Age Group:

All Ages
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Program Description

Event Details

On display on the Exhibit Wall in the Children's Area March 1-March 31, 2025.


My World in Watercolors

Maragret (Maggie) Yute


“My World in Watercolors” says it all.  There are not many places or things I don’t see as something I can create on paper & ALWAYS with watercolors.  I love the process of creating 

and overall it makes me happy.  My creations are not perfect & have nuances in them that make them different.  For instance, one arm might be longer than the other, my work might be slanted, a tree bent in an odd and impossible way, one eye higher than the other, a dimple in a chin off center.  It is these quirks that although sometimes unintentional are often done on purpose, too.  I find “perfect” in “imperfect” art.  I try not to erase or try too hard again making them unique.  I strive to make my imperfections part of my final piece.  I’m self taught-well with the exception of taking an art class in highschool where I had to draw & paint fruit.  Upon reading my bio my daughter wrote: “I love so much it’s about imperfections & how they don’t need to be corrected & instead celebrated.  There’s an underlying message about life there!” Allie Y





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