Program Description
Event Details
Join us for an art lesson for home schoolers! Maria Freed will lead participants ages 5-17 in creating a work of art to be displayed in the exhibit at the Market on State Mall in Athens, OH. All materials will be provided, and a description of the art concepts explored in the program is given below:
"The biggest part of this is learning to draw things as you see them, not how they are [not how you think they are or should be], so the art theory concepts taught are forced perspective/scale/foreshortening, plus noticing detail like pockets, stripes, freckles, etc."
Registration Note: Please only complete 1 registration form, even if you are bringing multiple kids. You will be asked how many seats you're registering for below. Registration "seats" refer to kids actually participating in the program, so we can set aside the proper amount of materials for each kid. Adults or others who will be in attendance, but in a supervisory or assistive role, do not need to be counted as a "seat" when registering.
For any questions regarding the event and/or registration, please contact Carter Beeson at